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Showing posts from January 24, 2016
                        Mr Right? continued from last Thursday's edition,,,,  What are the criteria we have on ground when searching for the right person? It's not about the looks my dear, not even about the money or the fame, what is important is how God-fearing the man is, and if he is ready to hold strong to a life time commitment. The truth is, not every man is ready for a life time commitment, some men just want a fling until they are ready, and if you fall prey to such a man, with the life time ideology in your head? you will end up crying over him. I know people say going into a relationship with no expectation is good so that when anything happens., it wouldn't hurt much. But the truth is, this might sound so okay for the man, but the woman? it doesn't. A woman is fashioned in a way that she puts her heart into anything and whatever she is doing, so this ideology is very dif...
                                            D A N F O...   The shape and the unified yellow colour on you makes you peculiar. Your popularity amongst Lagosians in particular is unique, or perhaps it is the way you are being controlled by the 'experts' drivers and the 'uncontrollable' conductors? Sincerely, there's something about being a Nigerian, or perhaps a Lagosian that only a True Lagosian can identify with. You wonder how these commuter drivers maintain these buses that, it is never sound enough. Never. It's either  suffering from over heating, the exhaust is bad or the engine coughs, shifts, staggers before moving Then, the way passengers are packed together like they've got no future for tomorrow? One will just wonder where these commuter drivers got their business strategy...