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The word trust can be defined as the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others-'English for advanced learner's dictionary'. I will also like to define Trust as the act to hold on to the personality of a person. Though, unfortunately, trust has lost its path in most lives- organizations, relationships, religious societies, government and so on. People do not trust who and what they believe anymore because of the lack in personal dignity and it it is important for us to examine ourselves and see where we have gone wrong. How well have you worked on yourself, how well have you taken good notes of your character before letting others depend on you. The error in the offices, government, is based on the fact that people have decided not to treat their personal life; in this case, the character. When we begin to see ourselves as the brand that must first be reshaped, then the society will be in shape.

If as a person you can't keep to simple appointments, you can't organize your room, your files etc... how well will you be able to organize the lives of others. If as a single guy, you don't know how to take care of your personal things, keep an eye on them, you don't even know your wants from your needs, how will you be able to keep a relationship well and the other party depending on you wholly? The same goes for the ladies, the leaders. etc Trust has lost its root because we have decided to be lazy in our personal development most especially in character. The reason why trust is difficult now, is because, all of us are guilty of not being trustworthy. Take a look at what you do, how you have done them and see if it's the right way or just the where to be applauded.  The key to a truthful and faithful society lies in us. Let us build ourselves, then the society will be built.


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