Like seriously Rats?
The most common neighbour in the house, either invited or uninvited is now our enemy. Thou Mr.Rat is what we dread and we run away from at least for now. In doing this, we have to get the facts and know how to take care from being infected by the disease our neighbour has right now.
It is no news that Rats are Feared now because of the disease they have in them which is the Lassa Fever. what exactly is Lassa Fever? Lassa Fever or Lassa Hemorrhagic fever is caused by Lassa virus. This was first found in Nigeria, Borno state., 1969 and one would wonder why nothing was done to curb this before this outraging effect we have now.
This disease has affected most West African countries, namely, Nigeria, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Liberia. But we must get the facts by knowing the symptoms, treatment and prevention of this disease.
When one is infected, there is the facial swelling, Muscle Fatigue, Mucous Bleeding, Nausea and bloody vomit., these are symptoms that occur and must not be taken likely when discovered.
This fever can be transmitted to humans via contact with infected food or household items contaminated with the excreta of rats., direct contact with blood and urine of rats and also infected persons.
This can be prevented by maintaining a good personal hygiene, control of rodents and most especially food stuffs. Washing of hands is also very important. We believe that this disease will get off and our neighbour will be free.