It's a wonderful wednesday and i will like to discuss something a bit personal right here. You know, the discussion here is very practical for all readers, i do appreciate my audience.
Well, i will tag today's discussion to be "'Losing Personal Peeps" When you lose someone and you are being consoled, it's likely you hear people say, i know how you feel, it will soon be over. I do say that a lot until it hooked me personally and then i realised that i really do not know how the other person feels. The pain that cannot be contained in words, tears and in feelings., the fact that you won't be seeing this person anymore... is something that one cannot understand until one gets hit by it.
I honestly pray that we won't experience it but when it happens, time and words fly.
All you want to do is cry and remember all the good times and how you did the right things and wrong things. You know., Death is a journey of no return. you won't see this person again, you are not even expecting to see the person soon until the very last moment when you see yourselves in heaven again. I think it's better to just console one's self because none can do it better than the one who hurts badly. I have seen the journey to recovery and i will say, nothing feels better than encouraging one'sself most especially with the Holybook and the legacy the person has laid behind.
Encourage yourself in the faith that, That person believes you can cope even in his/her absence. The faith in your ability that you are strong, and will be better even in his/her absence.
I really wish i can put all in words but No. The heart heals and the few words meet the heart at the point of its utmost need.
#I dedicate this piece to everyone that has experienced personal Loss#