# Going Natural
When you think of the visible decision and the fact that getting older can be lots of work? You would really want to go natural. When we were younger we had nothing to worry about, we stayed and played just on what mummy, daddy and aunty says. We believed in them and nothing had us rummaging about. We were cool with it and we envied the people who really wished they didn't leave that level. You could remember when you wanted to be like mummy and daddy, and the funky uncles and aunties with the little drama you put when they are out of the house, Lo and Behold, that stage comes and we are like.... Growing up is just bogus from what we imagined.
Being an adult is not as easy as we thought then, you've got so many things to worry about, so many transformation at each juncture, healthy and unhealthy competitions alike. The desire to grow even when the growth is untraceable and then one you start wondering like me? I wish i could stay like a babe. No worries, just do the things for today and let tomorrow come like every other day.
So,going natural means being an adult but carrying the baby wrap. Live everyday at its time so that i grow older and healthier, carry what i can carry and leave my limits. Relax on the tips and laps of the elders via wisdom so that i can be ahead and not bug myself to death, trying to fix things.
No weights, No burdens, just a free-spirited soul who knows the best timeline for everything. Right now, I think we should all be on that journey of letting go and carrying the babe wrap with us... Let's Go Natural. #goingnatural