To my wonderful readers, a warm morning to you wherever you might be across the globe. My last discussion about the Ex-men continues right here. This is not a sterotypic view, it's for all parts just pick the one that suits your situation.
When Mr{you can add miss if that's what applies to you} ex called and wanted to say hi, I was polite enough to give him a warm greeting, I wasn't hurt because i had moved on and it was good to hear him call again. He wanted me to hands up all that has happened while he was away. Like seriously? Who told you to go? Do i look like a broadcast station who would give a recap? Ohhhhhh Puhhhleeeezzze! No recap. Well, perhaps i did give a recap but trust me they were about the grounds I have acquired while his head was off the radar.
Did you know that he didn't stop at that? He wanted to know more.... More? How? Why? Infact I guess I was becoming too welcoming don't you think? Before I took my next line of action, He spoke up, He said he wants me back. We should come back... Hahahahaha? Are you laughing? Nice one? Nope. I don't understand the word 'come' someone tell me please. Come to think of it Mr., Did i tell you to go? Did i Push you away, you left on your own and now, you think you can come back on your own, just like you like it? You are Kidding! I own my heart and I gave it to you, you dashed and i've mended my stuff and now you want it back? It's not possible? Go means Go in the peculiar dictionary of this Youngwoman. You Go, You Go! Don't gallivant my dear. It's a Fierce No!

"Baby, I Love you, we can work this out, I don't know what came over me." {See me see tomatoes o., In Nigerian Pidgin} Can you imagine the arrant nonsense? You want me back and you can't explain what came over you, Infact that's the reason why I won't come back because you are not accountable, You are solely irresponsible and you just want to take leverage where there's none.
When you left, I went on a journey to find myself.Oh Man! It's worth the discovery and I cannot share my diamond with the dust. A diamond needs her kind. Go look for a woman and fight for her love don't come claiming leverage where there's none!
To everyone fighting with an ex that wants to come back even after you have explained that it can't work... Just tell that Ex to stop being Lazy and fight for another woman/man.
Remember Go Means Go!
A Quick one readers, The picture you see below is adorable right? I know. That's the beautiful, minstrel who's got a billion dollar voice. I said it because it's true. she is my friend, she didn't ask for this but it's the little I can give. Pleeeeaaaasssseeee she needs your vote. She needs you to win the Voice Nigeria. Just text 8 to 33120
Please share this, please Vote for Viveeyyyyyyyyaannnnnnnnn. Thanks people
On this one, Vote means Vote! lOOOL.