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A little chill off the story and the Journey to Two, four. This is about something different and what is it exactly you may ask?  It is Underwears#. Yeah, wondering what this is about? Join me on this one. Speaking on, our underwears speak significantly about what we represent and what we intent to represent, have you had time fixing your panties and throwing some away? Just because they don't feel to your status-quo? Yeah! You have done that several times and sometimes you are so engrossed with a particular underwear that you find it hard to do away with it.
Addiction right? Perhaps maybe not, it is just simple Love for what you think fits into you.The process of changing that particular underwear and replacing it with something similar or better is always the hit point for some of us and via personal experience it's always like a heart beat race in the market. Now place this into your personal line., The wrong underline{s} that needs a change which we carry about as chacracter default is telling on our appearance and impression on others.

 Let me speak on the underwear of Anger. Have you seen a beautiful/handsome person who will appear so appealling and then, the hercules heel of anger pops up and this person becomes detestable. Then you wonder what is with this Underwear you've got on? Sometimes we allow ourselves to be used by our ills.  When you don't discard the bad underwear whether you are putting on a new attire or not, for those who got the eyes, They can tell that something is wrong somewhere... Have you seen a lady wear an unstable bra under a gown, it makes them unequal, i am sure you know the them.

 Same goes with the man who doesn't take care of what he wears underneath too. Therefore, the underlining ills that we've got are noticeable by us even if noone sees it. Nobody sees you when your panties stinks but you know that it stinks. So, that's the same way we sometime want to wear our character makeup, We know what is wrong with us and we should tackle it out and make sure that we have clean Underwears.

Situations can prompt your underwear to be seen, perhaps a terrible wind can blow up your gown and for some split seconds, There you go! What happens when you are challenged unncessarily and your character is put to test? How will you respond? 

Will you put aside the smile and become so Radical or will you set your space, clear the air in explicit words, No ill-feeling, put the smile on and get on the go. I have heard people give instances about how terribly bad their anger can be and they boast about it.

There's something about a man who cannot tame himself. This means that his Underwear wears Him and not the Man wearing his Underwears.

Keep this with you, Are you in charge of your underwear or is your Underwear in Charge of You? 

Kindly place your comments below... Your Opinion is necessary. I would really want to see them.


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