My Woman
"Did you know that Femi left me for someone else? My dear, you wouldn't believe that I saw Clara, my very own friend on Femi's bed... You wouldn't believe it. I am still in shock!''
:But men are wicked. Why would he do such. He is just a dog.
:YeS!, the man is at fault, but then, what about the woman? Why can't she respect our friendship and keep off? If she had declined, this wouldn't happen. Every adultery, takes Two."
That is the story of a certain woman whose friend has shown her the other part of life, which is betrayal. When a man goes to another woman, the man is at fault. Yes, i admit that the man is at fault but really, what about that woman? What about that woman who has decided to stay on someone else's food? What about that woman who has decided to be her sister's enemy?
My dear Woman, The power to keep ourselves lies in us. The power to fight against every odd lies in us. There's no trophy in being a 'sidechick' or an 'homebreaker'. If the man is married and comes to you like an hungry lion, Hit him and send him back to his wife!
There is no point leveraging on the fact that he approached you, some men can be very stupid in thinking and that is why we are women to correct and insert sense into them.
My woman, you are too beautiful to be a subject of ridicle, he won't leave that woman for you and even if he does, You have caused another hurt for another woman somewhere whose blood would speak in your relationship.
If he doesn't love the woman at home, tell him to learn how to love her. As long as there is a woman in his life, let him stay away. Push him away. It's time for us to watch our backs and be our sisters keeper. If every side chick decides to stay off... Lots of Homes and relationships would be at peace.
As we solicit change and respect from The Men! Let them see that we are Seriously in love with ourselves and everything that represents us. Including that Woman at Home.
"Did you know that Femi left me for someone else? My dear, you wouldn't believe that I saw Clara, my very own friend on Femi's bed... You wouldn't believe it. I am still in shock!''
:But men are wicked. Why would he do such. He is just a dog.
:YeS!, the man is at fault, but then, what about the woman? Why can't she respect our friendship and keep off? If she had declined, this wouldn't happen. Every adultery, takes Two."
That is the story of a certain woman whose friend has shown her the other part of life, which is betrayal. When a man goes to another woman, the man is at fault. Yes, i admit that the man is at fault but really, what about that woman? What about that woman who has decided to stay on someone else's food? What about that woman who has decided to be her sister's enemy?
My dear Woman, The power to keep ourselves lies in us. The power to fight against every odd lies in us. There's no trophy in being a 'sidechick' or an 'homebreaker'. If the man is married and comes to you like an hungry lion, Hit him and send him back to his wife!
There is no point leveraging on the fact that he approached you, some men can be very stupid in thinking and that is why we are women to correct and insert sense into them.
My woman, you are too beautiful to be a subject of ridicle, he won't leave that woman for you and even if he does, You have caused another hurt for another woman somewhere whose blood would speak in your relationship.
If he doesn't love the woman at home, tell him to learn how to love her. As long as there is a woman in his life, let him stay away. Push him away. It's time for us to watch our backs and be our sisters keeper. If every side chick decides to stay off... Lots of Homes and relationships would be at peace.
As we solicit change and respect from The Men! Let them see that we are Seriously in love with ourselves and everything that represents us. Including that Woman at Home.