Shade Corner
Ain't proud baby, i am just blunt
Hey, success they say has many mothers and fathers but they have forgotten that success knows her real mother and father. We are not stupid at all and you can do more than Famzing people because of what they have achieved. Excuse me? where were you when I was grinding hard through the night?
Where were you when I cried myself to sleep being confused or not seeing some seeds grow as expected but through the help of some great people that saw the future more than me, I stood straight and claimed my dreams. Now, You are proud of me? Yeah, Right!
Please, can I tell you something if we don't talk often and you heard about my presence. Yeah, I made the Presence! and you want to tag along like a shadow, You have to tryyyyyyyy hard and harder.
The chats are awkward and you know it so why don't you just end it there. Hello, Hi, well done, thank You. Don't go further by asking what I have been up to? Nah, you don't need that and I won't speak either. We are grown men, no facade. I am not fighting with you but it's the truth mehn.
Don't attach to success that you've got no connection with because you see, this success knows her close circles and external audience is good for the presence and it's very much appreciated.
You can't be proud of me if you don't know my sketch
You can't be proud of me if you don't cry with me
You can't be proud of me if you didn't see my light farther than now
You can't be proud of me if you cannot, and I mean cannot, use the toilet with me!😛😛😛
Ain't proud baby, I am just Blunt!
#sighs# Yeah! I feel better.