Shade Corner
Damita Does It Better
There are times we see other people and get motivated, inspired and charged to do something better but I detest it when you outrightly compare me with someone else. I am me. I got into a conversation with someone and he said something that really got me pissed. We were talking about a situation around us and he asked my opinion on the issue, he came to meet me to talk about it and asked my sincere opinion only for him to say this: ''If it were Damita, she would have responded better than this...'' Seriously? I laughed and asked why he didn't go and see her Damita who has the best choice of words.
I was very angry and mehn! I think that's a polite way of calling someone stupid. If you are sure of whoever you talk to and seek advice from don't go meeting people and comparing opinions. It doesn't make sense.
Who made you the intellectual judge of people and how intelligent are you, Dear Advice and opinion prover. Don't go seeking how knowledgeable people are, seek how you can improve yourself and your capacity. People who compare others don't grow. They are mostly the sluggish of them all. Yeah! Quote me. They are.
Accept people for who they are and make wise improvements and comments where necessary, emphasis on WISE! Nobody is subject to you but make sure you have gold not panda{something like gold} before you ask for the meaning of diamond.
Image: Shutterstock