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         Events With Onozasie 

Hey Guys, It is good to have you here once again. I am adding a new juice to the content. This juice is a review of events attended by moi. Yeah! I will like to share what I learnt, what I unlearnt. This is also going to be a platform to remind you of events that are coming up so you can attend and learn. Not every event is as expensive as we think, some are free so you can't blame money for tying you down. Welcome, once again.
L{Subomi Plumptre} SL{Mrs Ihotu Gregory, Founder, Jewels Network} Middle{Nnanke Esien} R{Padebi Ojomo}
I attended the Social Media MasterClass event Last friday and I must confess I had a swelllllll time. Let me inform you that I didn't even know about this event but my good friend Beauty, told me about it and advised me to register. kkkrrriiiiiiggggggga! I registered and I am glad I did because I met great people and learnt great things, I mean,what else would you learn from great speakers.  Let me brief you about the organisers of this event. Jewels Network organised the event. This is a platform run by a great woman known as Mrs Ihotu Gregory. She founded this platform to help young women most especially entrepreneurs.

According to her, she has noticed that most young businesses fail and in order to make things straight, she decided to fill in the missing gap so that businesses can survive. What a wow, yeah? I know. You need to meet her anyway. She is a woman of passion, intelligence and Beauty. What a combo! You can follow the Jewels network on social media to get more info about them.  So, let's move to the next thing.

About the event. 

We got there early, and I am happy we didn't miss a bit of it. With a good introduction of the women in the class, the session began. We had three speakers who are great and well driven entrepreneurs, I mean, they have got money in the bank, let me borrow the words of one of the speakers. lol.😊 The first speaker who spoke extensively about content marketing and how to liaise with your clients via social media was Padebi Ojomo. She is a social entrepreneur, a woman who is empowering lots of woman to be their own boss. Stay at home and drive some cash to the bank.
She explained to the participants about the importance of colour and how to gain trust. ''Create a brand that will gain trust, let your clients trust you so well that they see a reflection of you in your brand''. Deep! I know yeah.  She made a very important point which is, studying your competitor. Know what they are doing well, double it and know what they aren't doing and Do it. I am sure by now, You wished you were there...

The second speaker is the poise, sweet and confident Subomi Plumptre. {Let me hint you here, I just love her. } It was a love at first sight kinda thing😅😅😅. She spoke about social media marketing. she told us to  know our niche and understand what you want to give out. ''Not everyone wants to take in Junk''. Some people are in for serious business, so appeal and create what you want for the audience you need. She also said, sponsor your post and not your page so your followers can be defined.! Fire! She made mention of doing what you love and going with your heart. You don't need to change your specs because of social media, just make sure you are giving value. Then, she advised us to register our business on Google Business so we can be seen when sorted for. Jeez! Should I stop telling you? Nope! I will continue so you can attend the next class...
The Third speaker, the elegant, calm and illustrative teacher started with an illustration. Nnanke Esien gave us insights about Social media intelligence, how you want to be perceived and received. Do you want to be perceived as intelligent, then do your branding correctly!Do you want to be perceived as subtle, you know what to do. You have to draw a line on how you want to be received and how people receive you. Make sure you are doing what you and the people see what you are doing, the exact way you see it or even more. Oh, well, women learnt a lot and I am sure you are learning right now.  Before I stop? The host, the woman who brought all these women together came to also give us some charge before the Q&A.
Mrs Ihotu Gregory, Laid some valid points that I will list here:

Everything you do right now, is a part of the journey. No idea, no position is a waste

You have to draw what you are very good at and focus on it. Let there be an umbrella

You have to be willingly to learn and connect with those that are doing well in your field. 

There after, we connected. We networked, We took pictures, We laughed and We ate cuopcakesssssssssssssssssssssss. Yes! The cupcakes part shouldn't be left out even though I didn't eat, but hey! Them ladies, did some cupcakes digging.

Thanks guys
Another review on the way. You can invite me to your event anyway. I am open to travel



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